Saas Breakthrough

How Jen Grant Built the Marketing for 3 Billion Dollar SaaS Brands



In this episode, you'll hear about the key lessons that Jen learned while driving the marketing for 3 billion dollar SaaS brands: how to create competitive positioning (critical more than ever in this busy SaaS landscape), how to build customer-centric brands and the benefits of following that marketing strategy, and finally, how to think about brand building and when to truly focus and invest in it. Another episode with a wise and knowledgeable guest, enjoy!Notes:- 03:20 Turning The Whole Concept Of Enterprise Software On Its Head- 05:05 Focusing On The Deepest Pain To Find Product-Market Fit- 07:35 Scaling By Squeezing Into The Broader Company And Other Pain Points- 09:45 The Critical Role Of Competitive Positioning- 13:00 Don't Change Your Positioning: Repeat It, Repeat It, Repeat It- 14:10 Use Feedback To Hone In The Positioning- 15:55 Don't Put The Entire Big Vision Into The Positioning or Tagline- 17:20 Test The Positioning: Look For People To Start Nodding Their Head- 18:10 Get Feedback As Fast As Poss