Intuitive Journal Podcast | Spirituality, Intuition, & Healing

Healing The Energy Of Disappointment



We’ve all been disappointed at some point or another. Find out how to heal the energy of disappointment through awareness of what is going on below the surface. We have all experienced disappointment at some point in our lives. This is something we’ve all faced at one time or another, but you know sometimes it just seems to come up and we have to deal with it. On today's podcast we look at healing the energy of disappointment through another lens. Disappointment can be used as a teaching tool to bring clarity to what we truly want. RELATED BLOG POSTS FOR FURTHER READING Tips for Overcoming Disappointment And Regaining Perspective Owning Your Value and Knowing Your Inner Worth Embrace Your Soul Purpose Why We Don't Trust Our Intuition MENTIONED IN THE SHOW energy of disappointment, past lives, patterns, Akashic records HOST LINKS Intuitive Journal Intuitive Readings Free E-Book on Repeating Numbers and Sequences Podcast 10 Transcript - Healing the Energy of Disappointment Thank you for tuning in again to the I