People's Republic

Trump's Korea announcement; Texas Dems ready to disappoint



Donald Trump announced late last week plans to meet at the invitation of Korean leader Kim Jong Un, breaking suddenly with the administration’s aggressive annihilation rhetoric. Does this signal a shift in U.S. policy on the Korean peninsula? Just as importantly, what does the DPRK hope to gain from normalized relations with the United States?Teachers in West Virginia win a victory for 21st century labor. A series of statewide wildcat strikes ended with a 5 percent pay raise for state employees, a freeze in health insurance costs, and an end to intrusive neoliberal health “monitoring” system linked to their insurance. What significance does the strike have for changing labor relations in the United States?Democratic turnout in the 2018 Texas primary increased 98 percent over previous midterm primaries. The Democratic Party is predicting a blue wave in the 2018 elections, which would be a huge upset for this deeply conservative state. But how likely is this to come to fruition, and if it does, what policy effe