People's Republic

Israel, Venezuela, and the 1776 Counter-Revolution



For our first segment, we will be discussing several unfolding world events. The United States has unveiled its new embassy in occupied Jerusalem, as Israel opens fire on protesters in Gaza. The ceremonial opening of the embassy stands in stark contrast to the violence being leveled against Palestinians across the country, which has continued largely unabated between Palestinian Land Day on March 30, Nakba Day on May 15, and the present. Later, Maduro has been reelected as the president of Venezuela with 67 percent of the vote. Venezuelan elections have been monitored by hundreds and sometimes thousands of international observers and the Venezuelan electoral system has been described as one of the most transparent in the world by many commentators, including former president Jimmy Carter. But the U.S. media largely refuses to acknowledge these certifications. Instead, most U.S. media has taken fringe right-wing elements of the Venezuelan opposition at face value. What is at stake for Maduro and the PSUV as th