People's Republic

(Reupload) NPR attacks Black progressive organizer; U.S. imperialism rages globally



NPR station WABE, based in Atlanta, has published a racist hit piece on Black progressive journalist Anoa Changa, accusing her of using “Russian-Backed Media” to spread her message. This is the latest in a series of smear campaigns by corporate media, which has used the so-called “Russiagate” conspiracy theory to discredit any left voices critical of the establishment. What ends do these attacks serve and who benefits from the silencing of left voices? And of course, what is the message that the corporate media is so eager to silence?Trump has declared his support for an Arab military presence in Syria, which would continue the U.S. occupation of Syria’s most mineral-rich areas by proxy. This comes after a largely unsuccessful U.S. airstrike aimed at Damascus. While U.S. escalation in Syria for so-called humanitarian pretenses receives bipartisan support, the massive atrocities committed by U.S., Saudi, and Israeli forces in Palestine and Yemen still go largely unanswered.Nationwide protests were called in re