

Bunmi Aboaba taps into powerful energy sources to help those in recovery get their body's natural systems synchronized and healthy again. She uses energy healing to get your body back into a healthy blueprint.She states that "By looking into and working on someone's biology, psychology, social and spiritual life, it becomes a way of boosting the positive impact I can make on the client's own sobriety journey - and on their life as a whole."Bunmi helps clients deal with day to day triggers and pitfalls which would otherwise cause them to relapse.Working with “energy healing tools” to support their sobriety journey and even utilizing blood tests to advise and support them in their diet, her strategies help strengthen their constitution for their new life ahead.Entrepreneurs and professionals lead very busy lives and the reality is they don't want to spend weeks in rehab or attend AA. Bunmi's personalized style of coaching and companionship fit snuggly around their schedules.Being an expert by experience, Bunmi