Quantum Hologram Matrix

Psychic And Healer Barbara Jean Lindsey



Barbara Jean Lindsey is a professional psychic and spiritual healer giving thousands of readings and spiritual healings during her world travels over a twenty-five year professional career. She is a published author and an international inspirational speaker. Being a world traveler, she leads her annual tours to the world's most sacred spots for healing and transformation. She is an International Seminar Trainer, Certified Fire Walking Instructor, Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Qui Gong Medical Practitioner, Level II Reiki Initiate, 25 Year Ordained Spiritual Minister, Certified Hospice Caregiver and a Sister of Avalon.In 1989, Barbara Jean had an extraordinary Near-Death-Experience; after full-body channeling an ancient Egyptian being, her lungs collapsed, killing her in front of a live audience. Over the next few days she fought for her life (on the physical plane, spiritual plane and beyond). Barbara Jean's story, journey and transformation are chronicled in her autobiography, "Dying for the Light."M