Quantum Hologram Matrix

Let Us Descend, "The Biblical First Contact" L. Sheldon Oldford



Advanced beings from somewhere in our galaxy descending on mountaintops, appeared to men in burning bushes. Angels, known as cherubim with four wings and wheels, flew with the sound of thunder. Beings, who ate, drank, and communicated with ancient biblical people, were Earth's first contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. We, the humans of today, refer to these beings as the God of the Bible. In this book, L. Sheldon Oldford compares the knowledge we have of science and technology to the characteristics of the biblical God as the unseen, ever-present, and all-knowing deity only to find that this being is more like a flesh-and-blood ancient astronaut. This astronaut arrived on Earth thousands of years ago and made contact with biblical figures, such as Adam, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Ezekiel, Elijah, and Elisha, which brought about the establishment of moral and religious laws that set humanity on a course of needing a savior. Could it be that Jesus Christ was an actual descendant of a flesh-and-blood fath