Badass Business Podcast

EP 190: My $190,000 Launch and What I Learned



EP 190: My $190,000 Launch and What I Learned YES babe, I'm spilling the tea on how we just had a $190K launch. During our recent Coaching Mentorship launch I really focused on how many students I want to receive in my program knowing that I can achieve it. Then, I sink into the vision of this program.  So I came up with these 9 things that allow me to really sink into the vision of what I'm creating.  Here they are: I planned ahead I served endlessly Be in the moment of the process Celebrate, CELEBRATE, CELEBRATE Be really intentional about  coming into the launch process Don’t obsess over numbers Anchor into my beliefs Rely on your team Invest as if my launch is already successful before it even happens If this resonates with you be sure to tag me on Instagram @laurenoflove For more: