Daily Devotionals

521. Protecting My Peace - Day 106 - It’s Time to Do Something



What are you doing everyday to build your business — your empire? We can’t be so afraid that we don’t move in what the Lord God has for us. What do you want to be and create? It’s time to do YOU. It’s time to do something that lives in your heart. There’s more for you & I. God is an abundant God who has so much for His people. Remember, the people who do the same thing without getting positive results, don’t usually grow themselves or grow their online business. It’s about investing in yourself and thinking next level thoughts. We all have creativity in us that we can bless people with. It’s time to do something about that if we aren’t already. Let’s do this. https://www.insharonsheart.com https://www.insharonsheart.com/group-coaching https://www.instagram.com/insharonsheart/