
Episode 113 – Putting All of Your Eggs in One Basket



One of the most common idioms in the English language is, "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket." When discussing our partnership agreement with military officers, this phrase comes up quite often. We tackled the topic of our partnership during a recent in-depth podcast episode. However, we thought it would be helpful to address this specific phrase as it relates to crafting a successful transition strategy. So what do officers mean when they say, "I'm not sure about putting my eggs in one basket?" Typically, the idiom encourages eliminating risk when possible (i.e. investing in a diverse financial portfolio or diversifying your skillset). Officers want to eliminate risk in their transition. How do you eliminate risk? As a military recruiting firm that's been in business for over 50 years, we have a few ideas. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Seek out expert advice. Diversify your strategies (i.e. career fields, industries, locations, etc.). During this podcast, we touch on this idiom and how it rela