Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

1. An Introduction with Chief Brewing Officer Raj Jana



Welcome To The Stay Grounded Podcast “You measure yourself by the people that measure themselves by you” - Phil Knight Today I’m super excited to let you in on something new that I’ve wanted to do for AGES. One of the driving forces behind JavaPresse is the search for contagious happiness. Now happiness means different things to all of us. There’s no real formula, just different ideas. But those ideas can inspire us, which is why I wanted to start the Stay Grounded Podcast. I think happiness is at the core of our human experience. It’s a feeling we all crave and look for - and it’s also something we’re really good at complicating. (I know I am!) For example, we’ll push off the things we love to another time. We end up prioritizing the wrong stuff because of work pressures and other responsibilities. But when we’re hungry for joy, we dull our perception of the little things. Joy is light - and even in the depths of despair there’s always a glimmer that can pull you