
Episode 112 – How to Unlock Other People’s Potential



Several years ago I received feedback from a leadership assessment that in an attempt to help my team members solve problems, I was actually making them feel "less than" and defeated.  Team members would bring me problems or challenges, and loaded with so much experience, I thought it best to give them advice on how to solve it.  Instead of listening and asking questions, I'd send them on their way better off with my wisdom! As I listened to this feedback, I was dumbfounded on one hand and felt kind of dumb on the other hand.  Of course quickly solving issues and offering advice would have the opposite of the intended effect.  This is actually how I feel when I just want to share with someone else what is on my mind and want help processing it. I actually don't want the person to solve it for me, I just want support.  Support means, listening, asking questions and understanding.  Help me think this through. About the time I got this feedback, I listened to Michael Bungay-Stanier talk about his new book, The