Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made Simple

Intimacy and the Teenage Brain, with Ellen Braaten, Ph.D.



Intimacy. Is there anything else in the teenage brain? It’s a wonder they make it through school after adolescence hits! We’ll be honest, we didn’t know what direction this conversation would take, but it turned out a great example of how talking helps us to process some of the trickier issues in life.In this episode of Shrinking It Down, Dr. Ellen Braaten joins Gene and Steve to pick apart what goes on inside the adolescent mind, developmentally, when it comes to attraction, relationships, and delayed gratification. Don’t forget to check out our media list for this one!Media List·     Woman’s hair freezes in Iowa (YouTube)·     The Intense Power of Love on Our Kids (MGH Clay Center)·     8 Tips for Parents on the Modern Tween and Teen’s Culture of Hooking Up and Hanging Out (MGH Clay Center)·     Cognitive and attentional mechanisms in delay of gratification. (Mischel, Ebbesen, Raskoff Zeiss, 19