Sales Secrets

Best Physical Gifts to Send in An Account-Based Sales Strategy w/Braydan Young @Sendoso



A cadence is a sequence of activities that increases contact and qualification rates. In the past there has been four key pillars of a cadence but in an account-based model if you're not using the 5th pillar you've in a bad place. Gifting or sending direct mailers is the 5th pillar and it's a key aspect to winning in an account-based model. In this episode, Braydan Young, co-founder of Sendoso, talks about the idea of gifting and what companies should be thinking about to run this play successfully in an account-based sales approach. In This Episode You'll Learn: What is the idea of gifting or sending direct mailers as part of the sales process What are some of the best gifting ideas in sales and how can you use them Where should you use gifts in the sales process Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode: Braydan's LinkedIn The Sales Acceleration Group Gabe Larsen Facebook