Sales Secrets

How to Get More 'At Bats' in Sales w/Tibor Shanto @Renbor Sales Solutions Inc.



In baseball you can't have a good batting average unless you have at bats. At bats are opportunities to succeed in baseball but without them you're not even in the game. Sales is similar to baseball in this regard. Many sales people are talented but they never get the chance or the 'at bats' to prove it. If sales people can get enough at bats they find themselves improving their overall game to where they can become Allstars. The question is, how can sales people get more at bats in sales? Tibor Shanto, is an expert in sales and is a proclaimed CDO or chief door opener. He specializes in helping sales reps get more opportunities. In this episode, Tibor teaches us some of the tried and true principles of getting more at bats. In This Episode You'll Learn: Things you to consider before the call Changing the narrative to change results Role of dynamics in calling success Executing the complete call Common mistakes to avoid