Better Breathing Means Better Health

Getting Started



Episode # 5 “Getting Started” Hi! This is Michael Lingard bringing you episode five of “Better Breathing Means Better Health” entitled “Getting Started”. Now have completed one Buteyko exercise you can begin to do more on a daily basis using the booklet “The Buteyko Guide to Better Breathing & Better Health” you should have purchased from by now. If you don’t have the booklet you can download a worksheet to print off copies from HERE Try to do at least one exercise in the morning and perhaps two in the evening, you can choose how long you spend doing the reduced breathing depending on how much time you can spare. If you want a short exercise that will take less than 10 minutes make the reduced breathing just three minutes long each time but if you have time you will get better results with a reduced breathing of five minutes each time giving you an exercise that will take about 15 minutes. You should find each time you do an exercise your control pause will rise from start to finish, and your pul