Better Breathing Means Better Health

When You Are Ill



Better Breathing Means Better Health Episode # 12 When You Are Ill With the best will in the world and despite your greatest care, it is still possible that you might fall ill at some stage, with a bad dose of a cold, some random infection or just be run down. When you are ill you are more liable to over-breathe and your Control Pause may fall & your pulse rate may rise. All infections are stressors, whether flu, a common cold or viral infection. So how can you combat the adverse effect on your breathing and how can you recover more quickly? There are many ways you can help yourself, some may be common sense but others may be new to you. Firstly don’t add more stress during these times; Don’t over-eat, avoid foods on the problem food list, eat less and even cut out a meal. Don’t over-sleep, try sleeping 1 to 11/2 hours less, since sleep is the body’s time for repair the ravages of the day, and if you have been inactive you will need less sleep. If your control pause is still low it makes sense to wake y