Better Breathing Means Better Health

General Health Questions



**Episode # 15 General Health Questions ** Hi, this is Michael Lingard, your Buteyko Educator, welcoming you to the final episode of Better Breathing Means Better Health and offering you my congratulations on completing this course. You now have the understanding and tools to continue improving your breathing and health in the future. Just to remind you of the powerful impact on your health that improved breathing will have, you can download leaflets on the subjects covered below: If you don’t have access while listening to this podcast, go to my website HERE where you will be able to download them there. Circulation & Heart Disease (Download a pdf leaflet HERE) Lowered CO2 because of hyperventilation constricts the arteries throughout the body, lowered CO2 impairs the release of oxygen from your blood and mouth breathing rather than nose breathing reduces the production of nitric oxide. The effect of the above is to put more physical stress on the heart that now needs to pump more blood around the body