By Any Means Necessary

Huge Asian Trade Deal Highlights Declining Strength Of US Imperialism



In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by K.J. Noh, a long time activist working on global justice issues, writer, teacher, and a member of Veterans for Peace, to discuss the signing of the world's largest trade deal by 15 Asia-Pacific countries on Monday, how the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) paves the way towards a more open & multipolar world, and why assertions that the deal constitutes a "Chinese-led influence campaign" don't hold water.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by John Winstead, a communist organizer out of Lexington, Kentucky, to discuss the mass surveillance of Muslims across the globe via data mined from Islam-oriented cell phone apps, where the recent revelations fit into the US government's broader efforts to track the movements and activities of Muslims, and why—alarming as they are—such efforts come as little surprise to longtime observers of the steady erosion of civil liberties in the US.In t