What's Your Favorite Part?

Crazy Stupid Love



Xandra Robinson-Burns and Junie Burns continue the 'crazy' theme to discuss Crazy Stupid Love. Discussion Qs: Robbie says 'All my life I wanted to be older so people would take me seriously'. Did you ever think this as a kid? Robbie raises the seat of his chair to make him physically taller than David Lindhagen. When you were a kid, what made you feel more grown up? Are you better than The Gap? Is love crazy and stupid? Jacob has perfected a system. What social ‘lines’ and systems work for you? What systems doesn’t work? In Crazy Stupid Love, the characters are concerned with how to get people to like them, but when they connect, it’s over simple things like caring for the garden. What is a mundane topic that has made you feel closer to someone? Do you believe in soulmates? Heroinetraining.com @heroinetraining on Twitter and Instagram #FavoritePartPodcast