What's Your Favorite Part?

Happy Death Day



Xandra Robinson-Burns and Junie Burns discuss Happy Death Day - something a bit spookier in time for Halloween. Discussion Qs: What was your school mascot, and was it as creepy as the Bayfield baby? Have you ever kept your birthday a secret? Why? Teresa goes by Tree. What nicknames do you go by? Every morning Tree wakes up to her birthday ringtone. What’s your favourite birthday song? In one of the reboots, Tree doesn’t bother putting on clothes. If you knew you were going to die, what would you care less about? Carter has a bumper sticker that says ‘Today is the first day of the rest of your life’. What inspires you to be a better person? Tree says, ‘If you relive the same day over and over, you start to see who you really are’. What details would you notice if you relived today? Heroinetraining.com @heroinetraining on Twitter and Instagram #FavoritePartPodcast