Raasch Thoughts

10 Years Done...In Just a Blink of an Eye



This past weekend my son played his last basketball game. What is sad is that my daughter played her last high school basketball game just a couple weeks earlier. My daughter is graduating from high school and finished her high school basketball career with a great season. My son on the other hand finished his last middle school tournament team program and has decided not to play high school basketball next year. The ended their season with a tournament championship, which is always nice. In the fall of 2006 my daughter started playing basketball with 3 other friends. And for the next 10 years between my son and my daughter we spent numerous weekends watching them play and cheering them on as they developed their skills on the basketball court, made friends and learned how to play as a team. And now it is over...a sad reality but it reminded me about what is really important. The memories we made. Look back at your past 10 years and reflect on all the positives that happened in your life. It will help you tru