Radio8ball Hosted By Andras Jones

Election Day & Karl Blau (Season Three-The Appening-034-November 3, 2020)



It's election day in the US and The Pop Oracle is getting to the quick of things in an episode that features DAVID ROVICS, KARL BLAU, RAINA ROSE, ELENI MANDELL and MR. JONES & THE PREVIOUS. To hear ANDRAS's question join the Patreon campaign. $1 a month gets you the bonus episodes:  Featuring: The Radio8Ball Theme Song performed by ELENI MANDELL The Pop Oracle Song of The Day for November 3, 2020: "Fallacy" by RAINA ROSE Featured Music: "Letter To My Landlord" by DAVID ROVICS "Ode To Ocean" by KARL BLAU "I.C.E." by DAVID ROVICS "Election Day" by MR. JONES & THE PREVIOUS Double Naught Spy Car provides the musical bed with “The Mooche” by Duke Ellington & “In Walked Bud, Out Walked Bud” by Thelonious Monk Thanks to Alan Green for “special projects”. Graphics by Tony Householder LINKS: RADIO8BALL WEBSITE - DAVID ROVICS - KARL BLAU - RAINA ROSE - RADIO8BALL APP - https://a