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Barbarich Behind The Music on Locked or Free



Barbarich Behind The Music on Locked or Free with host Jacqueline Jax. How focused does an artist need to be in todays music journey and when is it ok to take risks. Anthony speaks about Prince and how their unique creativity spoke to generations. The importance of what social media brings to artists in that they can become very flexible with their work and journey. Listen to the inspiration behind the music and the video. He also addresses how connected we are in the world yet how we often feel so disconnected due to the focus on social media. Inspired by all genres of music. My current song 'Locked or Free' is a Prince inspired funk driven song. My next song could be a country song focusing on a lyrical story or the beat of an electronic dance song and yet still telling a story with deep meaning. As I write the lyrics I envision the genre of music. I'm really just driving done the road of funk inspired by Prince. www.avaliveradio.com