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Youtube may owe Music creators Billions of dollars in fee



Today on Jax Daily. Youtube may owe Music creators Billions of dollars in fee. Have you been launching music videos on youtube or are you planning to do it? You may not want to miss todays report if your thinking about it. Youtube is preparing for a major update to the way it pays out royalties and also how it cross promotes products for creators. YouTube’s head of music, Lyor Cohen, touted what an “incredible time to be in music” it is at Cannes yesterday. Meanwhile, YouTube may owe musicians whose videos have appeared on the platform billions of dollars in fees.  On Monday June 18, 2018, YouTube Music, both ad-supported and premium versions, launched in 12 additional countries, including France, Canada, Germany, Russia, Sweden, and the UK. As the video streaming service seeks to take on music streamers like Apple and Spotify.  More ino : www.jacquelinejax.tv