Flix And A Six

Episode 6: We look at the landscape of the Legendary MonsterVerse while sampling Sur Lie Sour Ale



Our newest episode sees us discuss the Legendary MonsterVerse (that’s the Gareth Edwards directed Godzilla and Jordan Vogt-Roberts’ Kong: Skull Island for you fans keeping score at home). We do a deep dive on both movies individually (Al was maybe, possibly faking his way through the Godzilla portion….. ok he was faking it, he saw a total of 8 mins of the movie). No faking it when it comes to Kong, though, as both of us really enjoyed it and get into the nitty gritty details of why it really works, especially over a recent miss like the Peter Jackson King Kong. All of this comes to you on the back of our enjoyment of Newburgh (yep we have another new Newburgh beer) Sur Lie Sour Ale. So buckle up, and listen to our latest episode of Flix & a Six, only on the Spinchoon!