Sacred Shamanic Pathways With Eddie Mullins

Healing through the Heart



The Eddie Mullins Podcast October 23, 1pm PST / 4pm EST. Today's conversation is about healing through the heart within the sacred space of the void of the heart. As a practice we will travel through the heart's void connection for healing.  Also, observing where you are holding blocks and unbalanced energy in your body. A heart centering meditation journey and much more. 40 minute podcast.  The Eddie Mullins Podcast, is a conversation about initiating in and through your true nature of the enlightened heart and soul. All of nature and presence is alive and that aliveness is inside of you. Eddie Mullins is a spiritual and shamanic teacher, shamanic sage healing guide, spiritual mentor of Soul Navigating, and a sound weaver. Soul Navigating Mentoring with Eddie View Eddie’s Website View FaceBook View