
Episode 107 – The Self-Evolved Leader



What is a self-evolved leader? We tackle this exact question and cover the  importance of elevating your leadership in this episode of the Cameron-Brooks podcast. Our guest speaker and subject matter expert is Dave McKeown. Dave has spent his career working with leaders and leadership teams to help them elevate their focus, develop their people and get more done. He helps individuals, teams, and organizations achieve excellence by doing the ordinary things extraordinarily well. Dave is the CEO of Outfield Leadership and in this podcast we discuss his new book, The Self-Evolved Leader - Elevate Your Focus and Develop Your People in a World That Refuses to Slow Down. Our conversation is rooted in the idea of minimizing "heroic leadership" and facilitating team flow. Dave points out that in a world where everything is urgent and everything needs to get done now, heroic leaders feel like it is more effective or efficient to step in a tell the team what to do or just save the day.  We have been consistently rewar