Becky Talks Parks: Parks & Recreation Podcast For Passionate Professionals

2.20: Building Healthy Communities Through Collaborative Partnerships with Christie Bruner



If you've been curious about how partnerships can help your agency, be sure to tune into the latest episode with Christie Bruner from Healthy St. Pete ( You will learn how parks and recreation can partner with local organizations to improve the health in your community.  Here are three things to takeaway. 1.  Power of Partnerships - Break down those silos.  Find common ground and combine resources to make sustainable change together. 2.  Be the Umbrella - Don't recreate the wheel!  Bring organizations together and elevate what is already going on in the community.   3.  Creating a Call to Action - People want to get involved, give them meaningful ways to be part of your initiative. Christie Bruner has a vested interest in health and wellness initiatives in the community and has more than 20 years of experience with sports and fitness for both children and adults. From 2006-2016 she owned and operated a Baby Boot Camp stroller fitness fra