
074 – Induction drugs used in general anaesthesia for caesarean delivery



Hi everyone, This week I am joined by Matt & Graeme to discuss induction drugs and adjuncts used in general anaesthesia for caesarean delivery, with a few obligatory dad jokes thrown in at the end if you make it that far! Hypothetical cases we discuss: 1 - Healthy woman rushed to theatre with cord prolapse and fetal compromise 2 - A woman with severe preeclampsia needs urgent caesarean delivery because of fetal compromise. She has a platelet count of 18, and a BP of 210/120. 3 - A woman ruptures her uterus attempting a VBAC and arrives in theatre with a heart rate of 170/min and BP of 60/40 USEFUL LINKS The future of general anaesthesia in obstetrics BJA Education 2016