Parenting Bytes

How to make a will for free in 20 minutes - Episode 225



If you don't have a will, you're leaving your loved ones extra things to deal with at a difficult time. And what about access to your accounts? Living wills? Power of attorney? Many people put off taking care of these things because they're afraid it will be complicated and expensive. But for most people, a lot of the paperwork having to do with wills and estate planning can be taken care of online, quickly and easily, and often for free. We brought in an expert to tell you how, including how to talk to your family about it. You can go to the Parenting Bytes website for all of the links we talk about, plus an interactive transcript of the entire episode.Subscribe!Have you subscribed to Parenting Bytes on Apple Podcasts? Never miss an episode!Are you following us on Facebook? It's a great way to see what we're reading (including articles that might show up in future episodes), ask us questions, and give us feedback.Find us on Twitter for all the latest family tech news!