Radio8ball Hosted By Andras Jones

Muhammad Seven (Season Three-The Appening-031-October 13th, 2020)



MUHAMMAD SEVEN joins our Pop Oracle session at the invitation of last week's guest CHRIS SAND. In an episode recorded while the Amy Coney Barrett hearings are taking place in Washington, DC music from ALL DAY SUCKER, THE WET SPOTS, GOD GOES TO DENVER SEEKING LOVE, and MUHAMMAD SEVEN & THE SPRING generate a discussion that gets pretty deep and personal for host ANDRAS JONES and leads to an exploration of his father, his memory, a controversy in Boston, and his thoughts about the new film The Trial Of The Chicago Seven and Abbie Hoffman. To hear ANDRAS's question join the Patreon campaign. $1 a month gets you the bonus episodes:  Featuring: The Radio8Ball Theme Song performed by I SEE HAWKS IN LA The Pop Oracle Song of The Day for October 13th, 2020: "Piggy Pile" by THE WET SPOTS PAT THOMAS on RADIO8BALL Featured Music: "Girl With The Denim Eyes" by ALL DAY SUCKER "Manifesto", "79 Revelations" & "Sour Cherries" by MUHAMMAD SEVEN & THE SPRING "Piggy Pile" by THE WET SPOTS