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Témáink ebben az epizódban: webes alkalmazás shortcutok, miért vessük be™ az ágyat, fitnesz trackerek, taszkmenedzser körkép, a kimért légzés fontossága, mindsweep üresjáratban, végül digitális asszisztensek. Linkek az adásból Morning routine to improve productivity – Business Insider The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Good Life Project: Charles Duhigg – Power of Habit Free Calorie Counter, Diet & Exercise Journal | My fitness band is making me fat: Users complain of weight gain with trackers – HeartWatch 2 Review – MacStories Things – task management for Mac & iOS – Cultured Code OmniFocus – task management for Mac, iPad, and iPhone – The Omni Group 2Do B.R.E.A.T.H.E: The Neuroscience of Breathing Techniques TED talk | Unwind your Mind with Karah Pino Inside watchOS 3: New ‘Breathe’ app for Apple Watch reminds you to relax, focus TEDxPortsmouth – Dr. Alan Watkins – Being Brilliant Every Single Day (Part 2) – YouTube