Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Charities’ Survival Guide in Covid Times



Tosha Anderson, founder of The Charity CFO, lays out for charities & non-profits the mandatory adaptations, where new funding sources lie, how to woo and maintain business sponsorships, and an array of new, vital fiscal tools.With 20 percent of America’s work force now jobless, and one in five businesses wondering if they’ll see 2021, donation-based charities have fallen on rocky times.  And further, they are squeezed against the hard fact that the number people desperately seeking charitable aid are exploding exponentially.  To shed a ray of practical hope, host Bart Jackson calls on guest Tosha Anderson, founder of The Charity CFO who expertly guides all-size non-profit enterprises toward organizational and financial health.