Radio8ball Hosted By Andras Jones

Leah Abramson (Season Three-The Appening-026-September 11th, 2020)



LEAH ABRAMSON joins this week's Pop Oracle session with host ANDRAS JONES. Her song "Soft Parts" was the answer to JOSH GORDON's question on last week's episode. This episode syncs into sound walks, anti-semitism, trauma, division, archetypes, Vancouver, Biden, apps, Democrats and....9-11, as well as music from VIVIAN COOK, VEDA HILLE, JENNY JENKINS & ANDRAS JONES To hear ANDRAS's question please join the Patreon campaign. $1 a month gets you the bonus episodes:  Featuring: The Radio8Ball Theme Song performed by VIVIAN COOK with Marshall Thompson HINDSIGHT 2020: LANDSLIDE 2020: The Pop Oracle Song of The Day for September 11th, 2020: "Sometimes I Sleep With Evil" by JENNY JENKINS VIVIAN COOK on Radio8Ball at Starburns Industries Featured Music: "Train Conversations" by VIVIAN COOK "Soft Parts" by LEAH ABRAMSON "LuckLucky" by VEDA HILLE "Happy Ending" by ANDRAS JONES "Flashbacque BBQ" by ANDRAS JONES Bonus