Mike Elgan

It's Your Data. So Why Don't You Control Who Gets It?



Your data is precious. So why are you just giving it away? The reason is that nobody is helping you control it. But all that may be about to change.This week I’m talking to Julian Ranger, the founder and executive chairman of Digi me. What Digi Me does is enables you to download all your social activity – all of it – which you can then search and manage, right there on your device. Better still, they’re working on a system for letting you control your data and decide what you share and which companies you share it with. You can also use Digi Me as a powerful lifelogging tool, and Julian and I get into that. This conversation will change the way you think about your own personal data, so get ready to have your mind blown. Here’s my conversation with Julian Ranger. Listen: https://ia801506.us.archive.org/3/items/fatcast15/fatcast15.mp3