Your Move

Your Move: Super Mario At 35



Super Mario is 35 years old this month, and Nintendo is releasing several Mario games in the next year to celebrate. The craziest to me is a new Mariokart game for the Nintendo Switch, named Mariokart Live: Home Circuit. In this game, you drive a real remote-control car with a camera on it through your actual house. You set up the track and checkpoints, and then the Switch overlays opponents, obstacles, and items on the track in real-time. The game supports multiple players, too. No word on how much the cars cost, but I’m betting they won’t be cheap. Nintendo is also re-releasing one of my favorite recent Mario games, Super Mario 3D World. The game was previously only available on the unpopular Wii U system, so I’m glad that more people will be able to experience it, because it’s delightful. I spoke about it way back in 2013 , calling the game ‘nearly perfect’, and I still agree. Nintendo has lots more planned, like a multiplayer take on the original Super Mario Bros called Super Mario