
123 India McGee. How to prepare to be in period pieces. Dancing and acting on TV. What gets lost with binaries. The good in releasing a dream.



Okay, my title is long here. Episode 123 with India McGee inspires a long title because her voice, her intelligence, her variety in topics shared is a celebration for the ears. Yes, I was hyped to hear about India's experience dancing and acting on Netflix's 'The Get Down' and BET's 'American Soul.' Yes, I was hyped to learn about her experience teaching at a top university (Emory). But what really gets me is India's empowered outlook and confidence in what can seem taboo to talk about. We talk facial hair on women, why binaries can be harmful, even the benefit of letting go of a dream (listen, we LOVE dreams, but this episode will give you another side). India shares with us ways to prepare for roles that take place in a different time, how comedy and improv improved her career, and... babies (yes, babies come up here too). Listen, enjoy, subscribe, and share!