Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

What is this Positive-Based Dog Training, EXACTLY? with Guest Ana Melara



What is positive-based dog training? What does that look like? What is a balanced approach dog training? What other dog training techniques are out their? Which technique is going to work the best for my dog, my family, my life and living? Ana Melara, CPDT-KA Ana has been working with dogs and their families for almost 2 decades, originally in NYC and for more than 13 years here in Colorado. She is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and member of the (APDT) Association of Pet Dog Trainers and a member of (IAABC) International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She is a Canine Good Citizen evaluator. She keeps herself current by attending various workshops, seminars and conferences. Her training techniques are founded on praise-based, dog-friendly methods, and a fundamental belief that, as their guardians, we are responsible for their well-being and training. Whether she is teaching basic manners, agility, puppy socialization, potty training or addressing a dog’s aggression issues, Ana stresses to a