Austin Fire Show

#20 The Future of Video Games + Virtual Reality | MediaTech Ventures



2.2 Billion people play video games.I got a C- in Calculus in college, but I can take a guess - that's a TON of people.Like, a third, you know, of the world, dude.Whenever I hear video games discussed in a serious context (taking about your Kill/Death ratio in Black Ops doesn't count), some questions pop up in my head. Add VR to the mix, and I have no idea where the industry is going.Until now.At a MediaTech Ventures event hosted by my friend Paul OBrien (you might remember him from EP #8 on this show), I got a chance to sit down with some Video Game + VR experts and, as usual, asked my stupid questions.It was fun. Here are some questions I asked that you might be interested in:- Are video games just for fun?- How do you make a successful video game?- Where can I go to learn more about doing so?- Do video game technologies present opportunities to build on the strength of the interaction strength of the medium to build applications in other industries?- Is VR a trend?- What is the future of VR?- How scar