Austin Fire Show

#22 How to Sell All Your Shit and Start Fresh | Todd Nevins, Host GoHuntLife



Sometimes I fantasize that all I own fits into one suitcase, and I have a remote job that I can do from anywhere. It seems like a nice, free, life, full of possibility. It also seems super stressful.But I don’t know anything about it. My friend, Todd, does. In 2010, Todd and his wife Alison sold everything they owned, packed up the remainder in 7 suit cases, and moved to Mexico.For 5 years. After 5 years, he’s back to the US, this time settling down in Austin, TX, where he’s running his own marketing agency.But that’s not why I’m talking to him today.Todd is on the show because he just completed 50 episodes of his podcast, Go Hunt Life, where he interviews people who’ve made drastic switches in their careers, learning how they did it, what they were or were not expecting, and how others can do the same. In this episode, I talk to Todd about how HE did it, what exactly people can do to get to a point where they can leave their jobs and live the life they want (spoiler: it’s not easy), and the best moments from