Christ Church Bartlett

Keeping Our Eyes on the King



Keeping our Eyes on the King • We must regain a deep appreciation for the Old Testament, especially the testimony of the Biblical prophets!  • We must pay attention to the political and military developments in Israel and the Middle East. • All of the nations surrounding Israel today are Muslim majority nations who share a collective hatred for both Jews and Christians – which is the spirit of antichrist. • The Scriptures emphasize the coming invasion of hostile nations surrounding Israel in the last days. • The Antichrist will most certainly emerge from a Muslim context and form military alliances to unite the Middle East in reviving the Islamic Caliphate. • The Day of the LORD describes the return of Christ and His judgment against specific nations. • We must keep our eyes fixed on Zion – God’s holy mountain – for He has claimed Jerusalem forever! • We speed the return of the King by fulfilling the Great Commission until the fullness of the Gentiles is complete.