Infinite Energies With ~ Lisa Benitz

Design Your Life – Part 3 – Creating a Million Dollar Business ~ Guest Katherine McIntosh



Are you ready to change things up and get out of your points of view of what a million dollar business could look like? What if you could be open to the possiblity of receiving gobs of money that would transform your viewpoint of success. Katherine McIntosh is an International speaker and facilitator on the topics of wealth, health, business, body, consciousness, and living a vibrant lifestyle. She is a Business Wizard and Body Magician who has helped thousands of people monetize and value their genius, including actors, musicians, and 6 & 7 figure business owners. Katherine wrote the forward for the #1 best seller, The Energy of Expansion, was featured in The Untamed Entrepreneur, and is an author of 2 new best selling books including The Energy of Healing & Creativity. She is the founder of the No Judgment Diet, an International 30 day program that has helped hundreds of people in over 18 different countries get out of judgment with their bodies to create the business and life they love. An Access Conscious