Infinite Energies With ~ Lisa Benitz

Is Your Space Contributing To Your Addiction? ~ Guest: Marilyn Bradford



  Infinite Energies with Lisa Benitz Radio Show How many of you have a space that contributes to your addiction? What if you could change the energy of your space and addiction so that the addictive behavior is gone and you begin to enjoy the space you live/work/play in? Marilyn Bradford, LCSW, CFMW, and MEd., is a therapist, teacher, and speaker who gives lectures and workshops worldwide.  She has worked in the fields of mental health, self empowerment and addiction for over 20 years.  Finding traditional treatments, theories of mental health and self actualization ineffective, she approached Gary Douglas, the founder of Access, to see what else might be possible. Together they founded Right Recovery For You, LLC, a radical and unique program, which utilizes transformational tools, techniques and information to empower people to permanently end any addictive or limiting behavior or belief system. Results from using this model include decreased counseling and processing time, an increase of self-awareness and