Infinite Energies With ~ Lisa Benitz

Are You Willing To Pull In The Energy Of What You’ve Been Asking For?~Lisa Benitz



  Infinite Energies with Lisa Benitz Radio Show When we ask questions and pull the energy of what we've been asking for, without having a preconceived idea of how it looks, trust that the universe completely have your back! Magic can show up quickly and perhaps in a way that you had never imagined. Pulling energy can be fun fast and incredibly simple. ~ More about Lisa Benitz & Infinite Energies ~ Lisa Benitz embodies kindness and caring for unlocking the self-imposed prison we create with our debris. She shows us an easier way to create the life we have always known was possible. By removing emotional and physical baggage, she assists clients in clarifying and bringing about an ease with yourself and relationships with others. Join Lisa as she discusses everything from spaces, bodies, relationship, money, business, healing and so much more! What are the infinite possibilities with Infinite Energies?! Lisa Benitz is a gifted Space Whisperer, Feng Shui Master, Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Empow