
119 Princess Lockerooo on How To Create an Alterego, Singing on Subways and Why Waackin is Empowering... also... Madonna



Welcome to episode 119 of the DanceSpeak podcast with Samara "Princess Lockerooo" Cohen. You may have seen her audition on SYTYCD, parading (literally) in NYC, DJing in Thailand, or one of many clips where she CRUSHES it with her waackin performances (and battles... and when she holds events). We go through Samara's journey from training as a vocal major in New York's 'FAME' school (aka LaGuardia, aka, the same high school I went to, whaaa?!) to finding dance and training her way to be the best in her lane. We discuss oh so many things, including: working on a project for Madonna, how to take control of your own career, why Waackin is empowering, how she built her brand (hint: it involves clubbing), and how to hone in on what makes YOU... YOU (my favorite topic, always).