Perry Noble Leadership Podcast

The Best Investment You Can Make In 2015



Episode Summary 2015 is well underway and that means many of us are hard at work to take strides forward in this new year. Whether we call them resolutions, goals, next steps, or simple interests - most, if not all, of us have some desire to make this year better than last year. But part of making this year better than the last, is knowing what investments we need to make to help ensure that things move in the right direction. That’s why Perry wants to help you identify different areas of your life where you can make the best investment this year! As you invest in these four areas, God is sure to challenge you and grow you in ways that you didn’t think were possible! Episode Resources Learn more and sign up for Perry’s Leadership Intensive on March 4th-5th, 2015 at John Maxwell’s “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” - Follow John on Twitter. Craig Groeschel, Pastor of - Follow Craig on Twitter. Story of David finding strength in God. - 1 Samuel 30 If there’s