Alice In Muggleland

Chapter 14: Alice doesn't like this Fudge



Due to medicinal hiatus (Billius and the healers are trying to figure out what will help him get over his magical malaise. The potions have many side effects), Alice and Billius discuss Chapter 14: Cornielus FudgeHelp us out at and you get bonus clips from the show (this show having one bonus clip) along with early access. This week we released 7 minutes of additional conversation (including some Witcher talk).We want questions for Books 1 and 2 or any questions for Alice or Billius or the Podcast itself! You can email us at aliceinmugglelandpodcast@gmail.comWe are also on (and probably more active) on facebook at and on twitter @AinMugglelandPlease like, subscribe, rate, review us on your podcast platforms of choice. We do look at them. We see your feedback.The Alice in Muggleland opener performed by AccioCuddles. You can find her on twitter at @AccioCuddlesSupport this show Se