Byron Bledsoe, Senior Pastor Of C3 Church, Orlando

Can't Get No Satisfaction



Be·Atitudes: The Path To Healing. We all want to be blessed but we don't really feel bless-able. We know we're broken. We have somethings together but not everything. We've defined blessing as something that might hopefully happen to us occasionally in a surprising way by accident or luck. Do we really know what "blessed" means? We want it, hope for it, and even ask God for it from time to time. In reality, He's already told us how to experience it. What we're waiting for is actually here. Now. And, because we've reduced it so much in our idea of it, "blessed" is even better than what we thought. It's bigger, deeper, more meaningful and more enjoyable than we think. Join us this Sunday as we discover the simple steps we can take to experience the fullness of the blessings of God that are immediately available to each of us.